Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural

SMSC stands for spiritual, moral, social and cultural development. All schools in England must show how well they support children’s SMSC development.

At Battledown we define the aspects of SMSC as follows:

  • Spiritual: The opportunity to explore beliefs, experience and faiths, feelings and values; enjoy learning about oneself, others and the surrounding world; use imagination and creativity and reflect on experiences.
  • Moral: The opportunity to learn what is right and wrong and respect the law; understand consequences; investigate moral and ethical issues and offer reasoned views.
  • Social: The opportunity to use a range of social skills to participate in the local community and beyond; appreciate diverse viewpoints; participate, volunteer and cooperate; resolve conflict.
  • Cultural: The opportunity to explore and appreciate cultural influences; appreciate the role of Britain’s parliamentary system; participate in cultural opportunities; understand, accept, respect and celebrate diversity.

The school delivers SMSC through the Battledown Curriculum which is differentiated to meet the needs of all pupils. SMSC is woven through every aspect of our school life and is integral to everything we do.


RE Withdrawal Statement

‘RE is provided for all pupils, and is inclusive and broad minded. Parents do have the right to withdraw pupils from RE: if you wish to do this, make an appointment with the head teacher / RE subject leader. The school does not support selective withdrawal from RE’.