Battledown's Local Offer

Battledown is a Special School with SAND Academy Trust providing specialist assessment of children between the ages of 2 to 11 and covering the whole range of additional needs.

These include: –

  • Communication and Social Interaction Difficulties
  • Learning Difficulties
  • Speech and Language Delay/Disorder
  • Developmental Delay
  • Physical, Medical Difficulties and Sensory Impairment
  • Emotional and Behaviour Difficulties

Children are placed at Battledown following agreement by the Local Authority and Headteacher.

Parents/carers (including looked after children) and pupils are included in planning and support through review processes, parents’ evenings, home visits, key workers, Together Time (assembly), Family Worker support, an open door policy, inclusion in school life and individual support according to the needs of the individual child.

Our school teaches and supports children through a differentiated curriculum adapted from the EYFS and National Curriculum, and by having high staffing ratios – on average one teacher and support staff to each class group.  Class groups may vary in number – up to 9 children – depending on needs. We have a range of spacious learning accommodation tailored to suit the variety of needs.  Staff are highly qualified (see website) and children are taught as a whole class, in small groups and/or 1:1 by both the class teacher and the support staff.  Each individual receives what is appropriate to their learning. Where necessary specialist equipment is utilised ie; hoists, standing frames, specialist seating etc.

Alongside school staff there are a range of professionals who may work with pupils depending on need.

To ensure that information about a child’s SEN or EHC Plan is shared by teachers and all relevant staff who come into contact with a child we hold regular meetings as class teams with therapists and other professionals. Additionally each pupil has a Communication Profile and individual outcomes.

All staff at Battledown receive comprehensive and ongoing training in meeting the needs of children with complex learning difficulties.  They receive training which includes Safeguarding, Moving and Handling and Team Teach.  Specific staff areas of expertise include PECS, TEACHH, behaviour management and Sensory Integration.

Various intervention programmes are used within Battledown and carried out as whole class, group or individual activities.  These include: Attention Autism, Structured Teach Approach, Read, Write, Inc, TAC PAC and Astronaut training, plus others.

On admission children are placed into groups which best meet their need ie; social communication, physical or sensory impairment to enable appropriate assessment.

For children who find it difficult to conform to school’s behavioural expectations we have a range of strategies, rewards and sanctions.  Each pupil with these difficulties has a behaviour plan agreed with parents and staff team.


Battledown senior leaders, teachers and support staff are highly skilled in meeting the individual learning, behavioural and social needs of children with complex learning difficulties and work alongside a range of external professional as appropriate. We may request advice from any of the following support services: Health, Social Care, local authority support services and voluntary organisations.

At Battledown we provide support to improve the emotional and social developments of our children through the EYFS, staff expertise, home visits and links with the Family Worker.

As a fully inclusive school, all children participate in whole school, curriculum and off site activities.  The extent to which each child participates and the levels of support received will vary between children and across time but we differentiate the activities and expectations to enable all children to take part.

Parents are asked to give generic permission for their child to participate in activities in support of the curriculum i.e. a visit to a local park, shop etc. All children will be risk assessed. Visits which last for a whole day or are further afield, involve more comprehensive risk assessments and information is both sought from and shared with parents.

Children with complex medical needs are assessed and the school liaises with relevant health professional to ensure the needs of each child are met.

Children are always given the opportunity to make their needs and preferences known through staff observations of behaviours and the ability to make choices using their preferred method of communication.

We continually assess and evaluate the provision we have made for children by observations, classroom monitor, team meetings, reviews, governor observations, pupil premium, pupil case studies, external monitoring and Ofsted.

We prepare our school to welcome and support children from mainstream settings through graduated visits by staff to the child’s setting and the child visiting Battledown.  Similarly children who are transferring to another school make supported visits and have transfer booklets which include photographs of the new school and staff.

Our school is accessible to all pupils. See our website for our Accessibility Plan

The Local Advisory Board play’s an important role in the life of Battledown and make regular visits to the school supporting staff, pupils and parents.

If for any reason you are not happy the first point of contact for anything relating to your child’s education is the class/key teacher.  We encourage parents to visit class in session and to make regular contact with us rather than waiting for a formal opportunity to meet.  Staff are always available to talk outside teaching hours or an appointment can be made for a mutually convenient time.   Please either telephone or write or message via Class DoJo.

For matters not relating to your child’s progress or to arrange a visit please contact the admin office who will connect you to the appropriate person ie: Class Teacher/Headteacher/Assistant Headteacher.

Telephone: 01242 525472       Email:

Considering a special school for your child can be a very daunting time and we have parents and Parent/Governors who are happy to talk with prospective parents to share their experience and answer questions about Battledown from their perspective.

All school policies can be viewed on our website.



SEND Report

SEND Information Report
