Welcome to the Governors Page

The Local Advisory Board is responsible for the conduct and effective management of the school, acting within the framework set out by the Government Legislation and by the policies of the Local Authority.

Battledown Centre for Children & Families is at the forefront of developments in early year’s provision in teaching and learning and outreach expertise showing other mainstream Centres and specialist based provision the way forward.

I see us as very much a supporting and a focused group of professional and caring volunteers who are committed to the young children and families that attend Battledown Centre. We are also committed to the Headteacher and Teachers and Staff working with us to provide a caring and happy environment for every child attending the Centre and every adult working with us.

If any parent or member of staff wishes to contact us please leave a message with the School reception.


student with chick

What is a LAB?

Local Advisory Boards (LABs) are a key part of the governance structure within SAND Academies Trust and are integral to supporting the vision for the Trust in ensuring the individual identity of each school.

The Trust Board is the accountable body and has ultimate responsibility for the strategic functions of governance as follows:

  • Ensuring there is clarity of vision, ethos and strategic direction
  • Holding executive leaders to account for the educational performance of the organisation and its pupils and the performance management of staff
  • Overseeing the financial performance of the organisation and making sure its money is well spent

What we do as a LAB

The LAB supports the Trustees in fulfilling the strategic functions at a local level and within the powers delegated to them through the Scheme of Delegation. The LAB will consider how the school is performing today as well as thinking about the future and how the school can improve in order to offer the best possible education and outcomes for its students.

  • Uphold SAND Academies Trust ethos, vision and aims and ensure these are embedded throughout the school and in all LAB discussions and decisions
  • Ensure that the school promotes equality, diversity and inclusion for all its pupils, staff and stakeholders
  • Behave in an honest and open way and follow the LAB Code of Conduct [link] and the seven Nolan Principles of public life
  • Ensure the safety and wellbeing of pupils and staff at all times
  • Build and maintain good relationships with the school, the trust, the headteacher, staff, pupils and other stakeholder groups
  • Promote links with the school’s community at every opportunity
  • Work with the central team to ensure the school is well supported, and promote positive relationships across the trust
  • Attend and support school events where possible
  • Ensure the school is clear and ambitious for the pupils and in line with the trust’s strategic plan
  • Monitor targets for the school around pupil achievement, school improvement and curriculum development
  • Ensure that the school is best able to achieve its objectives over the long term
  • Hold the headteacher to account for the management of the school, delivery of pupil outcomes and for carrying out any LAB decisions.

How is the LAB made up?

Local Advisory Boards draw on different stakeholder groups for their membership. The different categories of LAB members are as follows:

  • Staff – elected by the staff at the school
  • Parent – elected by the parent/carer community at the school
  • Headteacher – is a member by virtue of their role in the school
  • Community – representative of the local community or to bring a specific skillset

Statutory information

The following statutory information for SAND Academies Trust can be found on the SAND website www.sandmat.uk/governance

  • Governance structure – including statutory information for
  • Members and Trustees
  • Scheme of Delegation
  • Terms of Reference for board committees and LABs
  • Articles of Association
  • Funding agreements
  • Annual report and audited accounts
  • Executive Pay statement
  • Gender Pay Gap information

Contacting the LAB

The Clerk to the LAB is Jane Davis. If you have any LAB related queries or need to contact Imran Kaderbhai, LAB Chair of Governors, please email jane.davis@battledown.sandmat.uk or write to him at Battledown Centre for Children & Families, Harp Hill, Cheltenham, GL52 6PZ.

Meet the LAB members

Imran Kaderbhai Community (elected by LAB)
Chair (appointment awaiting confirmation), GDPR, and IT
Curriculum Area – How the World Works
11-03-2021 – 10-03-2025
Mike Cooke Community (elected by LAB)
School Improvement
Curriculum Area- My Thinking
01-04-2024- 31-03-2026
Steve Crowe Community (elected by LAB)
Safer Recruitment and
Curriculum Area- My Reasoning
01-04-2024- 31-03-2026
Daryl Dixon Community (elected by LAB)
Safer Recruitment
Curriculum Area- My Communication
01-04-2024- 31-03-2026
David Gravell Parent (elected by parent body and LAB)
GDPR, Health & Safety
Curriculum Area- My Creativity
11-03-2021 – 10-03-2025
Ali Holtom Staff (elected by staff body)
Staff Wellbeing
17-11-2022 – 16-11-2026
Nikki Teague Headteacher n/a
Amy Williams Parent (elected by parent body and LAB)
Curriculum Area- My Thinking
24-01-2023 – 23-01-2027
Richard Wilson Community (elected by LAB)
Finance and Premises
Curriculum Area – Me and My Community
01-04-2020 – 31-03-2024
Term of Office extension in progress

Terms of Office are for four years unless otherwise stated, then a further two years if re-elected.
All members have voting rights.

LAB Meeting Dates

3 October 2024 – 6.15pm
28 November 2024 – 6.15pm
23 January 2025 – 6.15pm
13 March 2025 – 6.15pm
8 May 2025 – 6.15pm
26 June 2025 – 6.15pm


Please visit the SAND Academies Trust website for more details.