Family Worker
My name is Sarah Bell and I am the Family Worker at Battledown and as Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead, part of the Safeguarding Team. I am a mum of two boys, now both adults. My younger son attended Battledown which makes me an ex-parent. My personal lived experience gives me a greater understanding of the highs and lows of parenting a child with disabilities and helps me respond to the wide range of needs of Battledown families – each one is unique and so will be the type and level of support they need. I make contact with all new families on their arrival and offer a home visit to better understand their situation. Sally Bradley, Family Worker Assistant and I continue to work with families throughout their child’s time with us as needed which may include informal chat, assistance, referral, signposting or advice and guidance about things like:
- Early Help , Family Information Service, the Local Offer
- Short Breaks – Disabilities Team and Social Workers
- INFOCUS groups to meet other families for social and emotional support
- Disability related benefit forms e.g. DLA and Carers Allowance, Blue Badge.
- Applications to charities for specialist /adapted equipment.
- Food Bank
- Free School Meals and SEN Transport applications
- Continence via School Nurse and Specialist Bowel and Bladder Team
- Community Dental Service
- Building skills to better manage sleep, behaviour and sensory issues via clinics, learning sessions, parenting courses (including WEBS, Sorrow & Joy, Triple P) with CAMHS LD, OT and other professionals.
- Home Safety/Fire Safety referrals
- Specialist clothing and products
- Access to specialist car seat advice
- Signposting to Parent Carer support networks and forums offering training courses, Carers Assessments, counselling, housing, benefit and finance advice.
- Transition from Battledown into other school settings
- Attendance and support at meetings eg TAF, TAC, CIN, CP
- Parent Carer Wellbeing – Are you ok? Is anyone struggling to understand or accept diagnosis? Partner, siblings, grandparents or extended family need extra help? Do you feel safe?
I offer face to face, Teams or phone calls. If you feel things are just not right and you are not sure of the way forward or you just need a listening ear, we can sit down and have a chat. I am at the centre Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday and may be available out of school hours by prior arrangement.
Sarah Bell
Family Worker
01242 525472 Option 3
07385 196173
Informal, Friendly Opportunities, Caring, Understanding Support
INFOCUS is coordinated by our Family Worker, Sarah Bell. It is an informal group for parents and carers who meet regularly in our Family Room. INFOCUS offers a safe and non-judgemental space to meet and make friendships with other families which will hopefully continue long after you have left Battledown. If you have felt lonely or isolated in a previous setting because your child has additional needs you will find a very different atmosphere at Battledown.
Speakers are invited to INFOCUS to give informative talks on many subjects, all requested by our families and sometimes we have a General Coffee and Catch Up and get together for a chat, cake, occasionally tears but always laughs. You will be surprised there are lots of common concerns many parents and carers are experiencing which, when shared, can be tackled together. We are always pleased to hear of anything you would like to know more about for future sessions. Look out for forth coming events via Dojo, email, newsletters and flyers.
Get in touchBattledown Friends Group
Our Vision – Battledown Friends Group will enable parents and children at Battledown to be supported in leading happy and fulfilled lives at school and home.
Our Mission – BFG will raise money for the school and organise social events that allow families, children and the school community to have fun through a supportive network.
A message from the Committee
The Battledown Friends Group (BFG) is a charity set-up to support the school and in particular the children and their families.
The school plays a very special role in our community, providing much needed support for local special needs children, enabling them to have fun, learn and grow in a safe environment.
How you can help?
- Support the events organised.
- We always need help and welcome everyone.
- Do you have any time to help support the school through the BFG.
- Do you have any skills which could help us?
- Do you have any contacts we could use to further our goals?